Happy 2010!

Below are 2 brief passages from my friends on the 'other side'. I had to go back and read this today to remind myself of the importance of not being too hard on ourselves and as a reminder to love ourselves unconditionally as we make our way through the darkest and bumpiest parts of our journey. It is at these times, the times when we need love and comfort the most, that we are most critical of ourselves and beat ourselves up for not "getting it right" or for not making the best choices. As I re-read this passage it helped me remember the importance of loving and honoring myself, no matter what. 

"We want you to see yourself as we see you. We want for you to know how very much you are loved. Your perception, in human form, is such that you often tend to focus your attention on your “flaws” and then you tend to identify, or define yourself, based on these perceived flaws or shortcomings. It is the human tendency to focus more on what you don’t like about yourself than on what you do like about yourself. It is good to recognize all aspects of yourself—especially those that need to be healed—but you do not need to judge or condemn yourself. When you judge yourself so harshly you lose sight of who you truly are. We never lose sight of who you truly are. We see you as the eternal spirit that you are. At your core you are perfect and beautiful."

"When you let go of who you think you should be and instead fully and lovingly embrace who you are, you set yourself free. You do not need to be this or that or achieve this or that or overcome this or that before you love yourself. You are loveable right now. We love you just as you are. We are not waiting for you to become someone worthy of love. Everyone is worthy of love just as they are because everyone is a manifestation of God. We understand your perfection; what we want is for you to understand your perfection. When you look in the mirror and see what we see, we will be doing a dance for joy!"


  1. Nice, Heather. Thanks for posting.
    You are a manifestation of God.


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