
Showing posts from June, 2015

The Story of the Cat Dress

This isn't really a story about a dress, but first let me tell you about the dress. The dress was a catalyst for awareness of a long running pattern of self doubt and habitual joy squashing, not living in the moment, and a dependency on external validation. All of that from a dress. I just wanted to buy a dress for a wedding. I wandered into a funky vintage shop and almost immediately I spotted this dress with cats on it! (I love cats!!) Looking at it made me happy. (Joy!)  I HAD to try it on. (Excitement!) I loved how it looked and I loved how I felt in it. (Exuberance!) The fact that it had cheeky little Siamese cats on it made it that much better. In that dressing room, my eyes lit up and I was smiling. (I love this dress! I can't wait to wear this dress!) By the time I got home, my joy gave way to concern. (Doubt!) Should I wear this? (Fear!) What will people think? How will I 'look'? (Insecurity!) The other dress I had picked out for the family wedding i

The Nature of the Soul

A question I hear often is about our experiences here in the earth plane--specifically why is there so much suffering? Inevitably this question leads to discussion about the soul and the soul's purpose. I wanted to share with you the information I received from my spiritual guides about the soul's purpose and the soul's perspective of the earth plane. I hope it can ease some of the pain and discomfort that is so often experienced on this journey.                                            *                                   *                                        * "When a soul chooses to incarnate it does so with great intention. There is a highly intelligent design behind every incarnation. The soul will choose its parents, its location, its gender, its ethnicity, its sexual orientation. All of these factors will be chosen by the soul to put it in a prime situation to experience the particular lessons for growth it is after. For example, if a partic