The High Heart Chakra--Further Integration

Last year I published an article on the High Heart Chakra (which prior to the Earth's energetic shift existed in our energetic body and is now active in our physical body). Since this is a 'new' chakra to the physical system there has certainly been an acclimation process that many have noticed. I occasionally get questions regarding how one can activate their high heart chakra. This post is in direct response to that particular question. Is this chakra something that we need to activate? If so, how? Below is what the guides have to say as well as a recorded meditation for this chakra.

(The original article on the emergence of the high heart chakra can be found here:


"There is no need for activation of the high heart chakra anymore then there is a need to activate your other chakras. As this high heart chakra came into your physical body from your ethereal body, it underwent its own natural process of acclimation and activation to this new 3-D reality in which it is now functioning. It is functioning in a different relationship to your body and your overall experience than it was when it was in your ethereal body. This addition of the high heart chakra to your original chakra system was an upgrade that your system received in response to the expansion of the earth's vibrational frequency.

So to answer your question more directly, there is no activating that needs to take place on your part. What you can do is focus on this energy center to help clear, open, and integrate it into your overall system. To do this, place your hands over this center (the high chest area, between the heart and throat) and breathe deeply. This energy center connects you to cosmic love--Divine love--a vibration of love that is higher than the typical love experienced by the heart chakra. It is a love universal and cosmic in nature. The color of the chakra is a bright, deep pink, a hue like fuchsia. If you work with stones, pink tourmaline, ruby, and gemmy rhodonite are good stones for working with the high heart chakra.

As you have your hands on this energy center, breathing deeply, you can begin to visualize this fuchsia light emanating from the center, expanding and shining out in all directions (this is a good practice for any of the chakras for clearing and balancing). After a moment or so let your hands drop away and continue to breathe deeply and focus on this energy center. Imagine it connecting you to the highest vibration of love that is in your greatest good (you don't want to overwhelm your nervous system here so only the frequency that is in your greatest good). Continue to breathe deeply and focus on that beautiful fuchsia light shining out from the center in all directions. Allow it to reach out beyond your physical body, and then beyond your energetic body. Shining bright in all directions.

Remember, this energy is connecting you to the highest vibration of love that best serves you. This is love that transcends romantic love and familial love; this is a Divine love. It is the love that allows you to feel a deeper connection to all of life everywhere. It is the love that motivates you to embrace humanity with a deeper sense of compassion. It is the kind of love that one needs to experience to move towards a more peaceful world. This love is concerned with the greatest good of all, not just the self or the few. This is the love that connects you to your Divine Source and that allows you to begin feeling and experiencing that connection more fully.

As you continue to breathe and radiate this gorgeous fuchsia light from your high heart center, let your intention continue to be connection with the highest vibration of love that is in your greatest good. When you finish this exercise and begin to go about your day, take notice if you are feeling grounded or not. This can often leave a person feeling spacey and ungrounded. If you discover that is the case, take a moment to ground yourself before carrying on.

A mantra that relates to the high heart chakra is "I Am Love". This is something you can incorporate into your visualization process if you wish. Or if you are going about your day and feeling the need to connect to this particular energy center you can simply place your hands over the high heart, take several deep breaths, and repeat the mantra "I Am Love" (mentally or verbally as you prefer). You can do this for 3 or 5 breaths or so--as you sit in traffic, before a meeting or presentation, or before a challenging conversation. It's an easy and quick way to center in this love space when you are feeling frustrated or fearful. Simultaneously, stay grounded. Feel your feet on the ground and bring attention to the energy transfer there.

Be mindful of not over focusing on this chakra versus the others. Yes, it is in a process of integration, and yes, you can assist that process by the aforementioned visualization, But the other energy centers in the body tend to get blocked and sluggish at times. If you're going to focus on chakras we suggest being mindful of the health of the overall system. All in all, it's a good idea to focus on whole system health, just as it is with your physical body. At times you'll be focused solely on one energy center of the body as a need arises, but as a practice try not to focus solely on one and never the others."


In addition to providing this written visualization, the guides inspired me to create a recorded mediation for this high heart chakra. You can find the meditation here:

In Love,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am really interested in learning more about the high heart and the 8 main chakra system.. but none of the links in this article still work. Do you bychance still have these saved/posted somewhere?


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