On Humaning

Whew! Rough couple of days! I've been down in the dark and scary but I've resurfaced and found a tremendous amount of wisdom in the experience. I had forgotten how to see the full range of my human experience as a contribution to the greatest good and this imbalance was wrecking me.

Before you get to the video below (sticking with this video format for a while) please know that I am NOT suicidal! The video is raw, I share the things I felt during a recent struggle and I share feelings of wanting to be done with the earth plane. I was in no way actually considering suicide nor do I have those tendencies. I let myself feel the depths of my sadness and I didn't hold back in sharing that. Just wanted to make it clear that I'm okay and never intended to act on those feelings! No worries :)

I've learned that it can be not just counter productive but utterly detrimental to my path to overvalue certain aspects of the human experience (where I want to be, who I think I need to be) that by default I undervalue other, contradictory aspects of the human range. This is a paradigm from which I've been operating and thus, when I wasn't in those aspects of self that I considered most valuable I felt depressed, unworthy, invaluable, and useless by contrast. No bueno. I learned an incredible lesson on being human and the value and contribution of ALL of it.




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