Spirit Guides 101

There is a lot of confusion around our guides--who they are, what they do, and so on. I hope this information provides insight and clarity and some smiles along the way. Cheers!

An overview of their 'job description' in their own words:

"We are present through the course of your physical incarnation, serving to assist you on your path. We understand the goals and intentions your soul has regarding this particular life path and we support and guide you on that journey. We are not here to judge you or criticize you, but only to help you achieve the growth and service opportunities you chose to embrace in this lifetime. We see the "bigger picture" and with that knowledge assist you in going in the direction that is in your greatest good. And there it is in a nutshell: your greatest good. This is always our primary focus. We are continually focused on guiding you in the direction that serves you best. When your free will veers from that direction we do not force you to make a different choice. We understand and honor the role of free will in your earth curriculum."

What They Are


They are well-meaning, kind, and love us unconditionally. Guides reside in a vibratory realm where anger, hate, malice, or ill-intent does not exist. By their very nature, and vibratory resonance, they are operating from a space of unconditional love, compassion, understanding, and kindness. They are not interested in forcing our hand in any way or misguiding us. Nothing but love here, folks!


They love us and support us no matter what. We come into this lifetime with an agenda--one created by our soul--and our guides have full awareness of that agenda even though we have no conscious remembrance of it. With that knowledge, they lovingly guide us in the direction that best serves our soul's agenda. They might put people, or songs, or books, or other signs in our path to help guide and direct us. But they also understand we have free will. And if our free will takes us in a direction that veers from our path, so to speak, they will honor that. It is not their job to control us or override our free will. Just because they are guiding us doesn't mean we have to listen! We as humans are notoriously stubborn and often ignore their guidance. But you know what, they love us anyway!


Our guides will continually teach us or put opportunities in our path to help us learn. We are here to do just that--learn and grow. Given that this is the soul's overall agenda, our guides will help us to grow and learn in those specific areas that benefit us most this time around. We receive a lot of their guidance and/or teachings in the dream state, which is often forgotten upon waking. But no worries, the knowledge is retained at the energetic/subconscious level. They will also orchestrate opportunities for us to learn more about compassion, or tolerance, or whatever it is our soul has set out to expand in.


Our guides are not 'in charge' of us. They are not puppeteers. They are not entertaining themselves guiding us to make all sorts of goofy choices (we do that all by ourselves). They are working in conjunction with our soul's agenda. They do not override our soul's free will. At the soul level, we decide what to experience, explore, grow in, and serve through when we incarnate. Since we do not retain conscious memory of that game plan, our guides are there to serve as beacons on our path. They are ALWAYS working for our greatest good and helping us to achieve what WE wanted.


Guides are no dummies! They know how incredibly difficult and challenging the earth realm is! They do not view us as failures, slow learners, or nit-wits. They do not get impatient or upset with us when they try to steer us in one direction and we continually go in another. They know it's a hot mess down here on earth and they are incredibly patient with us. It's that unconditional love again--they are full of it!

What They Are NOT


Unconditional Love. Can't say it enough. They do not have the same concepts of "right/wrong", "good/bad" that we do. They simply see everything as experience and opportunity for growth, neither good or bad. Therefore, when we make what we perceive to be a bonehead move, they are not disappointed in us. They are not criticizing our choices. Again, they know how hard it is here on earth and they know the curriculum here is vast--we can learn and grow through all kinds of things, including the "ugly" stuff like jealousy, hate, anger, and so on. They never judge and contrary to popular opinion there is no judgment when we exit the body via death and return to the other side. WE are the ones in charge of deciding what worked and didn't work and what we could have done differently. They always see us as the beautiful, Divine Light that we are.


This goes hand in hand with the previous paragraph. They do not have any interest in reprimanding or punishing us. They DO NOT sit and shake their heads at us in disapproval. No judgment, no punishment for behavior and/or actions. Again, nothing but love!

Your Grandma (Or aunt/great-uncle/great-great-great grandpa/deceased pet poodle)

Yes, your loved ones who have crossed over can visit you and interact with you. But they are not your spirit guides. They may support you and guide you to some extent for sure, but they are not your spirit guides. Those at the 'guide level' have reached a level of awareness, knowledge, study, and training that allows them to be in such a position. Think of a university setting as an example: in college you might have many forms of support and guidance from your parents to professors to guidance counselors. Guides would be akin to those PhD professors--those who have studied and trained for this job. Yes, others might help you along your path but those professors are the ones with very distinct expertise around your particular area of study.


One of the most common questions I get is, "What are my guides' names?" They are not in physical form as we are, and therefore do not need to categorize and sort with labels the way we do. Where the guides exist they recognize each other by vibration, or resonance, rather than labels or names. That said, they don't mind if we name them if that makes it easier for us to connect with them. They are happy to be referred to as Bob, Pete and Martha if that is a tool that allows you to feel comfortable connecting with/talking to them.

So there it is folks. A (hopefully!) simple overview of our spirit guides. It's a little odd that we have such a profound relationship with these beings that we know so little about! So I hope this clears up some of the common misconceptions about who they are. They are always aware of our thoughts and can hear us whenever we address them (either verbally or mentally)....so start talking to them, laughing with them, joking with them (they have wonderful senses of humor!), and interacting with them. Or at the very least, try to start viewing yourself as they view you--as a Beautiful, Magnificent, Divine being of Light and Love :)

Cheers and Happy Journeying!
~heather :)

For more information about Heather's work as a medium please visit www.heatherwallace.net


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