
Showing posts from June, 2016

Orlando-A Spiritual Perspective

I try to see everything from a ‘bigger picture’ perspective and when tragedies, such as the Orlando shooting, occur I go to the counsel of my teachers in spirit to understand this bigger picture. What I’ve learned is that in the plane we live in, anger and violence are used as catalysts for change. This has always been the case and will continue to be the case as long as there is expansion that can occur through those particular catalysts. I’m not saying it doesn’t hurt and I’m not saying it doesn’t suck. I’m saying that understanding the bigger picture can help us to align with the love and unity that is trying to emerge through these tragedies.   When I look at upsetting situations, like the passing of HB2 and the tragedy in Orlando, what's really standing out to me is this phenomenal expression of solidarity and unity that we haven’t really seen before. The picture I posted here--that’s London showing their love and support for Orlando. The incredible backlash from...