Meditation: Beyond the Seated Practice
I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed as I prepare to teach an upcoming series on meditation. There are so many different traditions of meditation and such a vast wealth of information around meditation practice that it's tricky to figure out how to condense that into a four week beginner series. As I've been trying to figure that out, I've really been thinking about meditation in general--why is it so difficult? Why do so many of us avoid it like a dreaded chore? Boiled down into a very simple nutshell, it's the practice of sitting and becoming still and connecting with a deeper part of our being. Sounds simple enough. So why is there SO much around this (difficulty, aversion, myriad methods of approach, etc.)? As usual when I ponder things, I began to wonder what the other side's perspective is. Knowing us humans try our best, but still kind of get off track with things, I wondered if our advanced teachers in the spirit plane would have a different ...