The Physical Plane-Reality or Illusion?
Jenna Sizemore from Cincinnati asks some thought provoking questions about the nature of our physical plane and whether it is real at all or simply made up by the ego. If it is an illusion, than would any intellectual or spiritual pursuit we make within the illusion merely be used as a step up an illusory ladder that will disappear when we reconnect with Truth? If so, what does it matter what we eat? Could we simply enjoy fries & burgers and forgive the illusion of fat, cholesterol, and sodium? Profound questions! I have broken this down into two parts. The first question I asked the other side is simply, "Is this physical reality an illusion? Following that, the other side responds to Jenna's questions a little deeper regarding the nature of our physical reality, our perceived separation from God, and our relationship with food. Thank you Jenna for such insightful questions! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...