
Showing posts from 2010

Bozos on the Bus

I am flying in the face of blogging etiquette here, for what I am about to share is not something from my own mind or hand at all, but rather something I have just read in a book. But it is worth sharing, in my opinion, as I found it to be incredibly refreshing, raw, and oddly liberating, not to mention it made me laugh out loud. It is a short chapter from the book Broken Open, by Elizabeth Lesser. She is a brilliant writer and her chapter in this book titled Bozos on the Bus demonstrates her skill and her humor. I believe we are on a beautiful journey here, everyday being given opportunities to explore and express our own magnificence and beauty. Yet we all reach points in the road where we stumble, feel discouraged, downright scared, or hopeless. It is part of the human experience. Elizabeth so comedically and honestly captures this aspect of our human being-ness that I had to share. Enjoy! Elizabeth opens the chapter by introducing the clown-activist Wavy-Gravy whose quote inspired...
Happy 2010! Below are 2 brief passages from my friends on the 'other side'. I had to go back and read this today to remind myself of the importance of not being too hard on ourselves and as a reminder to love ourselves unconditionally as we make our way through the darkest and bumpiest parts of our journey. It is at these times, the times when we need love and comfort the most, that we are most critical of ourselves and beat ourselves up for not "getting it right" or for not making the best choices. As I re-read this passage it helped me remember the importance of loving and honoring myself, no matter what.  " We want you to see yourself as we see you. We want for you to know how very much you are loved. Your perception, in human form, is such that you often tend to focus your attention on your “flaws” and then you tend to identify, or define yourself, based on these perceived flaws or shortcomings. It is the human tendency to focus more on what yo...

Get your play on!

"All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it" --Samuel Butler "It is better to play than do nothing" --Confucius It is a cold winter day today and there is a beautiful new blanket of snow on the ground. I am inspired to go out and play in the snow today and I think I'll do just that. In the spirit of playfulness, I'd like to share an excerpt from a chapter in the book I am currently working on. It is about the importance of play and it comes from the angelic realm. Enjoy! Many of you who have children watch your children and wonder at their imagination and pure uninhibited being. Adults laugh at a child’s silliness and marvel at their amazing energy and stamina and then slough it off as the gifts of youth. Kids are wonderful teachers. Emulate them to find the playfulness in your own life! Join in a game of hide and seek with your child and his friends. Sit down and create with play dough when your child is doing ...